January 07, 2014

Stages of labour

Stages of labour :-
There are 3 stages in labour -

1st stage - 
It starts from onset of true labour pain and ends with full dilatation of the cervix.
In other words, it is ''cervical stage'' of labour. Average duration of this stage is
about 12 hour in primigravidae and 6 hour in multiparae.

2nd stage - 
It starts from the full dilatation of the cervix and ends with expulsion of fetus
from the birth canal. It has got two phages -
a) The propulsive phase - starts from full dilatation upto the descent of the
presenting part to the pelvic floor.
b) The expulsive phase - is distinguished by maternal bearing down efforts and
ends with delivery of the baby.
Average duration of this stage is 2 hour in primigravidae and 30 min in multigravidae.

3rd stage - 
It begins after expulsion of fetus and ends with the expulsion of the placenta and membranes.
It's average duration is 15 min in both gravidae. The duration is, however, reduced to
5 min in active management.

4th stage - 
It is not include in labour. It is only a observational stage. Duration of this stage is
at least one hour after the expulsion of placenta. During this period, general condition
of the patient and the behaviour of the uterus are to be carefully watched.

Primigravidae : Woman who is pregnent first time. 
Multigravidae : Woman who is pregnent multi times.

1 comment:

  1. Impressive work.Know the stages of labour. CM hospital is the best Fertility Centre in Chennai with individualized treatment and Gynecologist In Velachery will give you the best care, they are focused in your health and comfort.
