January 14, 2014

Management of normal labour

General considerations -
labour events have got great psychological, emotional and social impact to the woman and her family. She experiences stress, physical pain and fear of dangers. The caregiver should be tactful, sensitive and respectful to her. The woman is allowed to have her chosen companion (family member). Privacy must be maintained.

Management of normal labour aims at maximal observation with minimal active intervention. The idea is to maintain the normalcy and to detect any deviation from the normal at the earliest possible moment.

Antiseptics and aspesis -
Scrupulous surgical cleanliness and asepsis on the part of the patient and the attendants involved in the delivery process are to be maintained.

Patient care -
- Shaving or hair clipping of the vulva is done. The vulva and the perineum are washed liberally
   with soap and water and then with 10% dettol solution.
- The woman take a shower or bath, wear laundered gown and stay mobile.
- Antiseptic and aseptic precautions are to be taken during vaginal examination and during
   conduction of delivery.

Vaginal examination -
- First vaginal examination should be done by a senior doctor to be more reliable and informative.
  The examination is done with the patient lying in dorsal position.
- Whatever aseptic technique is employed, there is always some chance of introducing infection
   specially after rupture of the membranes. Hence vaginal examination should be restricted to
   a minimum.

Preliminaries -
- Toileting - The hands and forearms should be washed with soap and running water.
- Sterile pair of gloves is to be put on.
- Vulva should once more be swabbed from before backwards with antiseptic lotion.
- Vaginal examination should be kept as minimum as possible to avoid risks of infection.

The following informations are to be noted and recorded carefully -
- Degree of cervical dilatation in centimeters.
- Degree of effacement of cervix.
- Status of membrane.
- Presenting part and its position.
- Station of the head.
- Assessment of the pelvis.

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