March 13, 2012

Changes occur during 7th week of pregnancy

Baby's Development -

Baby is constantly adapting to life inside the uterus. By this week, the umbilical cord has formed. It will be baby’s connection to woman throughout pregnancy, providing oxygen and nourishment for baby and disposing of baby's wastes. In addition, baby's digestive tract and lungs continue to form. The mouth, nostrils, ears, and eyes are some of the facial features that become more defined in this week.

Woman's Body -

Pregnancy causes many changes in cervix. By this week woman will have developed a mucous plug, which forms in the opening of the cervical canal and seals off the uterus for protection. (woman will lose this plug as cervix dilates in preparation for labour).

Getting in shape now will stand woman in good stead as pregnancy continues. Keeping active is important, so work up a daily exercise routine to strengthen muscles and reduce fatigue, but don't exhaust herself. 

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March 10, 2012

Changes occur during 6th week of pregnancy

Baby's Development -

Baby’s brain and nervous system are developing at a rapid pace. Optic vesicles, which later form the eyes, begin to develop this week on the sides of the head. Baby's heart will begin to beat around this time, and it may even be detected on ultrasound examination. And the beginnings of the digestive and respiratory systems are forming. Small buds that will grow into baby's arms and legs also appear this week. Making a full- length measurement difficult, babies often are measured from the crown to rump rather than from head to toe. This week, baby only measures 2 to 5 millimeters from crown to rump. The embryo is starting to look like a little tadpole but the ‘tail bone’ will disappear and become the coccyx.

Woman's Body -

Common pregnancy complaints may hit in full force this week. 
  • Woman may feel extreme fatigue as body adjusts to the demands of pregnancy. 
  • Tender, aching breasts and nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) may leave her feeling less than great. 
  • Morning sickness can occur at any hour or all day. 
  • Nausea isn't the only thing that has she running to the toilet, though — hormonal changes and other factors, such as kidneys working extra hard to flush wastes out of her body, this may lead to urinate more frequently.

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Changes occur during 5th week of pregnancy

Baby's Development -

Until now, the embryo has been a mass of cells, but by this point in pregnancy a distinct shape begins to form. The neural tube, which will eventually form into the spinal cord and brain, runs from the top to the bottom of the embryo. At this time, the placenta develops. It is through the placenta and its finger like projections, called chorionic villi, that an embryo receives nourishment from its mother. The heart and blood vessels are just beginning to form.

Woman's Body -

Woman may feel very tired. Her breasts may feel tender, as if woman is starting her period. This is because the tissue is being prepared to store milk. If woman haven’t already been taking folic acid supplements she should start taking them now.

March 09, 2012

Changes occur during 4th week of prenancy

Baby's Development -

Four weeks into pregnancy, baby (called an embryo) consists of two layers of cells, the epiblast and the hypoblast — that will eventually develop into all of baby's organs and body parts. Two other structures that develop at this time are the amnion and the yolk sac. The amnion, filled with amniotic fluid, will surround and protect the growing embryo. The yolk sac will produce blood and help to nourish the embryo until the placenta takes over that role.

Woman's Body -

This week baby continues to implant in uterus, burying itself deep within the endometrium. Once implanted, baby starts to produce a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which helps to maintain the lining of the uterus. It also sends a signal to the ovary to stop releasing an egg each month, which stops monthly periods of pregnant lady. 

March 06, 2012

Changes occur during 3rd week of pregnancy

Baby's Development -

Even though woman may not feel that she is pregnant. The fertilized egg goes through a process of cell division. About 30 hours after fertilization, it divides into two cells, then four cells, then eight, and continues to divide. It moves from the fallopian tube to the uterus. This group of cells is called a morula. The morula becomes hollow and fills with fluid — it is then known as a blastocyst. Near the end of this week, the blastocyst will attach itself to the endometrium (lining of the uterus). This is called implantation

The implantation in the uterus produce an essential connection. The endometrium will provide the nutrients and will remove wastes. Over time, this implantation site will develop into the placenta.

Woman's Body -

Adequate intake of certain nutrients (such as folic acid, protein, calcium, and iron) is essential for nourishing baby. 
  • A folic acid supplement is important because folic acid helps prevent defects of the neural tube (the structure that helps in development to the brain and spinal cord), which forms very early in pregnancy. 
  • Intake of protein, which is used to create new tissue, should increase during pregnancy.
  • Calcium is necessary for the development of bones and teeth, so getting a good dose of dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and legumes. 
  • Iron is essential during pregnancy for increase of baby's blood volume. Good sources of iron include red meat, legumes, eggs, and leafy green vegetables.

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March 04, 2012

Changes occur during 2nd week of pregnancy

Baby's Development -

This may sound strange, but woman are still not pregnant.  Under the influence of hormones, ovulation occurs and the egg bursts out of its follicle. If it meets a sperm, woman may become pregnant. Fertilization of egg by the sperm will only take place near the end of this week.

Woman's Body -

Woman's uterine lining is developing, which will nourish the baby, and body secretes follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates an egg to mature. At the end of this week, woman will be at the midpoint of her menstrual cycle and ovulation will occur (ovary will release an egg into the fallopian tube). At this time, woman is most likely to conceive. If woman has sexual intercourse without protection around the time, she can become pregnant.

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Changes occur during 1st week of pregnancy

Baby's Development -

This first week is actually menstrual period. Because expected date of delivery (EDD) is calculated from the first day of last period, this week counts as part of your 40-week pregnancy. By the end of the first week after conception, the fertilised egg has made its way along the fallopian tube and attached itself to the womb lining.

Woman's Body -

Woman is having a period, then she is not pregnant. But if she conceive during this menstrual cycle, the first day of her period will count as the first day of pregnancy. Before becoming pregnant, woman should -
  • Avoid alcohol, drugs, and tobacco products.
  • Talk to doctor about any prescription and nonprescription drugs. 
  • You'll need to take special precautions with medications.
  • Maintain a diet that contains an adequate amount of vitamins, especially folic acid.

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