April 27, 2012

Changes occur during 17th week of pregnancy

Baby's Development -

  • At about 13 cm from crown to rump and weighing 4.9 ounces (140 grams), baby is still very tiny.
  • The placenta, which nourishes the fetus with nutrients and oxygen and removes wastes, is growing to accommodate baby. It now contains thousands of blood vessels that bring nutrients and oxygen from woman's body to baby's developing body. 
  • Baby's kidneys have started producing urine, most of which travels through the placenta for mother's body to deal with.

Woman's Body -

Woman may notice that her breasts have changed considerably since her pregnancy began. Hormones are preparing breasts for milk production — more blood is flowing to the breasts, and the glands that produce milk are growing in preparation for breastfeeding. This can increase breast size and cause veins to become visible. Woman may be able to hear her baby's heart beating when examined. The second trimester is usually regarded as the best time in pregnancy for traveling and getting out.

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Changes occur during 16th week of pregnancy

Baby's Development -

  • Baby is sucking her thumb and all her joints and limbs can move.
  • Fine, downy hair called lanugo has started to grow on baby's body, but this will disappear before birth.
  • Her body is growing faster to catch up with the size of her head.
  • The baby now weighs about 3.9 ounces (110 grams) and measures about 4.7 inches (12 cm) in length from crown to rump. 
  • Baby can hold his or her head erect, and the development of facial muscles allows for a variety of expressions, such as squinting and frowning.

Woman's Body -

Between weeks 16 and 18 of pregnancy, health care provider may offer woman a second trimester screening test (known as the multiple marker test or triple screen), which measures the levels of alpha- fetoprotein (AFP), a protein produced by the fetus, and the pregnancy hormones hCG and estriol in the mother's blood. The results of these tests can tell moms whether babies are at risk for (not whether they have) neural tube defects such as spina bifida or chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome. An abnormal result does not necessarily mean that baby has a problem — but it may mean more testing is required. If woman have any emotional or physical worries, there'll be an opportunity to discuss them with doctor.

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April 24, 2012

Changes occur during 15th week of pregnancy

Baby's Development -

Baby’s skin has been continuously developing, and it is so thin. Hair growth continues on the eyebrows and the head. Baby's ears are almost in position now. Internally, baby's skeletal system continues to develop. Muscle development continues too, and baby is probably making lots of movements with his or her head, mouth, arms, wrists, hands, legs, and feet.

Woman's Body -

Woman's ‘bump’ is probably starting to show, and waist is disappearing. 
Her ordinary clothes are feeling a bit tight. Hopefully she is feeling less sick and breasts may be less tender.

Another thing she may be feeling Scatterbrained. Even the most organized women report that pregnancy somehow makes them forgetful, clumsy, and unable to concentrate. Try to keep the stress in life to a minimum and take 'mental lapses' in stride.

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April 20, 2012

Changes occur during 14th week of pregnancy

Baby's Development -

  • In this week, some fine hairs have developed on baby's face. This soft colorless hair is called lanugo, and it will eventually cover most of baby's body until it is shed just before delivery. 
  • By now, baby's genitals have fully developed, though they may still be difficult to detect on an ultrasound examination. 
  • In addition, baby starts to produce thyroid hormones because the thyroid gland has matured. 
  • Baby now weighs about 1.6 ounces (45 grams) and is about 3.5 inches (9 cm) long from crown to rump.

Woman's Body -

At this stage of pregnancy, many women feel re-energized and have a strong sense of well-being. Healthy eating is very important, so be clued in about the best food choices.

Health care provider may discuss amniocentesis with woman.Amniocentesis is a test usually done between 15 and 18 weeks that can detect abnormalities in a fetus, such as Down syndrome. During this test, a very thin needle is inserted into the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby in the uterus and a sample of the fluid is taken and analyzed. Amniocentesis does carry a very slight risk of miscarriage.

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            Changes occur during 13th week of pregnancy

            Baby's Development -

            As woman begin the second trimester of pregnancy, placenta has developed and is providing to baby with oxygen, nutrients, and waste disposal. The placenta also produces the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which help to maintain the pregnancy. Baby's eyelids have fused together to protect the eyes as they develop. Baby may also be able to put a thumb in his or her mouth this week, although the sucking muscles aren't completely developed yet.

            Woman's Body -

            • Woman may start to develop a dark line from tummy button (navel) to pubic hair. This is called the ‘linea nigra’. It is caused by increased pigmentation in skin. It will fade after childbirth.
            • Nipple might go a darker colour too. This is also caused by increased skin pigmentation.
            • At first prenatal appointment, health care provider probably gave a prescription for prenatal vitamins. Taking these supplements, in addition to eating a healthy diet, ensures baby gets additional vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid, zinc, iron, and calcium, which are necessary for growth and development.

            Changes occur during 12th week of pregnancy

            Baby's Development -

            • Baby's brain continues to develop, and tiny and toe nails start form. 
            • Vocal cords are formed this week, which is the last of woman's first trimester. 
            • Baby's kidneys are functioning. After swallowing amniotic fluid, baby now be able to pass it out of the body as urine. 
            • The intestines will make their way into the abdomen, since there is room for them now.

            Woman's Body -

            • Increased blood volume and pregnancy hormones work together. The greater blood volume brings more blood to the blood vessels and hormones increase oil gland secretion, resulting in a flushed, plumper, smoother skin appearance. Sometimes, though, the increased oil gland secretion can cause temporary acne.
            • Woman's waist may be getting a bit thicker and some women begin to develop a small bump at this stage. Woman may also find emotions vary. These feelings are normal and should settle down.

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            April 08, 2012

            Changes occur during 11th week of pregnancy

            Baby's Development -

            • From this week until week 20, baby will be growing rapidly — increasing in size from about 5 cm to about 20 cm from crown to rump. 
            • To accommodate all this growth, the blood vessels in the placenta are increasing in both size and number to provide the baby with more nutrients. 
            • Facial development continues as the ears move toward their final position on the sides of the head. 
            • Baby's reproductive organs are developing rapidly, the external genitals of boys and girls appear somewhat similar until the end of week 11. They will be clearly differentiated by week 14.

            Woman's Body -

            Nourishing baby usually requires that woman gain weight. In most cases, the recommended weight gain is 25 to 35 pounds (11.33 to 15.87 kg) over the course of the pregnancy. If woman were overweight or underweight before pregnancy, health care provider may have different recommendations for weight gain. Health care provider may offer woman a "first trimester screening test". Procedures such as ultrasound scans and blood tests are about to become part of normal pregnancy routine.

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            April 06, 2012

            Changes occur during 10th week of pregnancy

            Baby's Development -

            • In this week, all of baby's vital organs have been formed and are starting to work together.
            • External changes such as the separation of fingers and toes and the disappearance of the tail takes place, internal developments are taking place too. 
            • Tooth buds form inside the mouth. 
            • Congenital abnormalities are unlikely to develop after week 10. This also marks the end of the embryonic period. The embryo now has a distinctly human appearance and starting next week baby will officially be considered a fetus.

            Woman's Body - 

            First prenatal visit, which often takes place around this time, is a milestone. At the doctor's office, woman will go through a series of tests, including having weight and blood pressure checked. Woman might also have an external abdominal examination to check the size and position of baby. During this first prenatal visit, health care provider will thoroughly examine her, including an internal examination and a breast exam.

            Woman will probably be feeling hungrier than usual because body is busy growing a baby. Woman actually doesn’t need extra calories at this stage.

            Woman may be finding that she is leaking urine when she laugh, cough or sneeze. This stress incontinence is completely normal and is caused by a combination of pressure on bladder and pelvic floor tissues being stretched. It is a good time to start pelvic floor exercises.

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            Changes occur during 9th week of pregnancy

            Baby's Development -

            • The tail at the bottom of baby's spinal cord has shrunk and almost disappeared by this week. 
            • Baby's head has been growing. It's quite large compared with the rest of the body and it curves onto the chest. 
            • By this week, baby measures about 0.6 to 0.7 inches (16 to 18 millimeters) from crown to rump and weighs around 0.1 ounces (3 grams). 
            • The tip of the nose has developed and can be seen in profile, and flaps of skin over the eyes have begun to shape into eyelids, which will become more noticeable in the next few weeks. 
            • The digestive system continues to develop. The anus is forming, and the intestines are growing longer. Internal reproductive features, such as testes and ovaries, start to form this week.

            Woman's Body -

            Woman doesn't look pregnant yet, but her waistline may be starting to thicken and breasts are probably getting larger. In preparation for first prenatal visit, take the time to familiarize herself with family's health history and to review medical records. Have woman had any chronic illnesses, allergies, or surgeries? Are woman currently taking any prescription medications? Do woman know of any genetic disorders that run in family? Has woman's menstrual cycle been regular, and have woman had any past pregnancies? What are exercise habits? These are the things health care provider will want to discuss with pregnant woman.

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            April 04, 2012

            Changes occur during 8th week of pregnancy

            Baby's Development -

            The fingers and toes are just beginning to form in this week, and the arms can even flex at the elbows and wrists. The eyes are becoming more obvious because they’ve begun to develop pigment (color) in the retina. The intestines are getting longer and there isn’t enough room for them in the baby’s abdomen, so they protrude into the umbilical cord until week 12. The beginnings of the buds that will develop into baby's genitals have made their appearance, although they've not yet developed enough to reveal whether baby is a boy or a girl.

            Woman's Body -

            Pregnancy symptoms such as missed period, nausea, extreme fatigue, or tight clothes due to the swelling of your uterus have probably prompted woman to wonder whether she is pregnant. Once woman have confirmation of her pregnancy, schedule her first prenatal visit. Woman may need to go to the toilet more because uterus has doubled in size and is putting pressure on bladder. 
            Pregnancy may be monitored by one of several health care professionals, including an obstetrician, nurse practitioner, midwife, or family doctor. Good prenatal care is extremely important for the health and safe delivery of baby, so be sure to make prenatal appointments a top priority.

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